
Biden adviser Sullivan holds ‘rare’ talks with top Chinese army official

The United States national security adviser has held wide-ranging talks with a top Chinese military official in Beijing, wrapping up a three-day trip aimed at strengthening communication between the world powers on a range of issues.
Jake Sullivan met General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, on Thursday, as China is embroiled in security rows with US allies Japan and the Philippines.
The NSA raised issues such as “stability” in the Taiwan Strait, “US commitment to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea”, China’s support for “Russia’s defence industrial base” and ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire deal in the Gaza Strip, according to a White House statement.
On Taiwan, Zhang warned that the status of the self-ruled island was “the first red line that cannot be crossed in China-US relations”.
The independence of Taiwan and “peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait were “incompatible”, he said, according to a readout from China’s Ministry of National Defense.
“China demands that the US halts military collusion with Taiwan, ceases arming Taiwan, and stops spreading false narratives related to Taiwan,” Zhang added.
Before the talks, Zhang had praised the US for the value it placed on “military security and our military-to-military relationship”.
“It’s rare that we have the opportunity to have this kind of exchange,” Sullivan told Zhang in response.
The two officials arranged for more direct military talks between commanders in the future.

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