
Plantation drives kicks off in Rawalpindi under Monsoon Plantation Drive

The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Rawalpindi kick-started Monsoon Plantation drive by planting saplings along the roads and on the green belts of the garrison city. In this regard, hundreds of saplings were planted by the authority’s staff and volunteers with an aim to enhance the beauty of the city.
According to an official of the PHA, the authority has planted various types of trees’ saplings on green belts along various roads in the city under the Monsoon Plantation Campaign.
On the instructions of Director General (DG) Parks and Horticulture Authority Rawalpindi Ahmed Hasan Ranjha, the employees of PHA Rawalpindi are taking part in the plantation drive plants around the green belts and highways.
Not only PHA’s staff and employees, volunteers and people but the students of the government and public schools and colleges have also been made part of the tree planting campaign to highlight the usefulness and importance of tree planting among the people.
DGPHA Ahmad Hasan Ranjha said that by planting beautiful plants on green belts, the beauty of the city’s roads increases. It also highlights the factors regarding awareness among people about tree plantation, he said. PHA will also distribute free saplings to encourage people to plant trees, he further said.

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