
Two months ultimatum to KP govt to reduce property tax

MARDAN: Pakistan people’s party central leader and former federal minister Nawabzada Khwaja Muhammad Khan Hoti has given an ultimatum of two months to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to reduce the unreasonable increase in property tax, addressing to a news conference at Mardan press club Khwaja Hoti pointed out that the property tax in Punjab and other provinces is 3 percent while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa it is 23 percent which is great cruelty to people of the province.
He warned that if the property tax is not reduced, the property dealers will take to the streets along with him. He argued that the Peshawar High Court has issued an order regarding property tax to give relief to people in property tax.
Khwaja Hoti said that his voice is for the poor people, if the government does not reduce the property tax within two months, he will start a protest movement from his district and division. He added that huge inflation and huge increase in electricity and gas prices have made people’s lives miserable.
He added that such types of agreements should be made with the World Bank in which facilities are available to the public.
He added that instead of extorting money from the public in the form of inflation and illegal taxes, the corruption money from the elite should be collected.
Khwaja Hoti warned that if this storm of inflation is not stopped, bloodshed will start in the country.
He argued that the game of bringing selected people has been going on for the past twenty years, but now this game has to be stopped.
He added that the current provincial and national governments will not be able to last more than one year. He added that the solution to people’s problems is not in elections, but in economic stability.
Hoti said that for the stability of the economy of the country he demanded a coalition government for 4 years, but selected people were imposed on the people. Khwaja Hoti said that he is still standing on the demand for first accountability and then elections.
He demanded that the army chief should conduct a transparent inquiry into the rigging of the establishment and accepting money in the elections and the officials involved should be brought to justice.
Hoti added that those who were burdened with debts to the province were again imposed and now the debt of this province will be increased from 900 billion rupees to 1800 billion rupees.
He questioned how can a leader be honest when the whole team is a thief?.
He added that the masses of the country are also equally responsible for the current situation of the country. He questioned why people don’t choose good people instead of running behind blue and yellow caps.
Khwaja Mohammad Khan Hoti said that the problem of this country is not democracy, but the current storm of inflation. He argued that he felt that then PTI was being brought in, so he withdrew from contesting the election.

Falak sher

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