
Türkiye & Pakistan to promote investment & business activities

Turkish Minister chaired conference with Aleem Khan

Türkiye and Pakistan have agreed to boost up business activities and investment in various fields by enhancing mutual trade and promote economic activities. It was decided in a Round Table Business Conference co chaired by Trade Minister of Türkiye Prof. Dr. Omer Bolat and Federal Minister for Board of Investment, Privatization and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan. Deputy Trade Minister of Türkiye Mustafa Tuzcu, Ambassador in Pakistan Mehmet Pacaci, Presidents of Chambers of Türkiye were also accompanied while prominent business community figures from Pakistan joined this session.
Federal Minister for Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan while addressing the Pakistan-Türkiye Business Round Table Conference said that the brotherhood, mutual cooperation and friendly relations of Türkiye and Pakistan span decades and these two countries have already entered into economic and joint business agreements. He added that Pakistan wants to promote bilateral investment and business ties in various fields with Türkiye because it is prime time to increase the economic activities between Türkiye and Pakistan.
Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan welcomed the interest of the business community from Türkiye and said that it would benefit both countries and all possible support will be provided. Turkish Minister of Commerce Prof. Dr. Omer Bolat said in his address that the economic and business relations and bilateral partnership between Pakistan and Türkiye are going to be in a new beginning as Türkiye will also ensure all possible cooperation for Pakistan in all circumstances.
Turkish business leaders purposed that in various sectors including infrastructure bilateral investment can be increased. Representatives of Pakistan’s main commercial institutions welcomed Türkiye’s proposals and said that Türkiye can develop better with its modern machinery and Pakistan with its raw materials.
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Khalil Hashmi called on Federal Minister for Privatization, Board of Investment and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan. He told that the Pakistani Embassy in China is fully active especially the Commercial Section is working day and night. Federal Minister for Investment Abdul Aleem Khan while appreciating the services of Pakistani Embassy in China said that we have to ensure all possible support to Chinese companies.
He said that the arrival of more than 100 Chinese companies in Pakistan for the first time in business sector is a good omen and now both the countries will further promote B2B activities. Abdul Aleem Khan said that there will be investment from China in various important projects including Textile, Plastic, Surgical and Footwear, while “Joint Ventures” may also take place in construction, as well.
Abdul Aleem Khan further said that Chinese companies have to be provided all possible cooperation by Pakistani institutions and Government Authorities while holding a joint business session between Chinese and Pakistani companies will bring more positive effects.

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