
PID workshop: Journalists sensitized on adverse effects of fake news, negative propaganda on people’ lives

Speakers at concluding day of the two days workshop organized by the Press Information Department Peshawar here Tuesday sensitized journalists of Khyber Pakthunkhwa about the adverse effects of fake news, disinformation and negative propaganda on lives of people and urged them to verify news especially obtained from social media platforms before its publication or putting it on air.
The workshop titled ‘truth in the digital era: strategies for countering fake news in Pakistan’ was held here at a local hotel. On the last day, Chairman Journalism Department, University of Peshawar, Faizullah Jan, General Manager Investment, KP Tourism and Culture Authority, Umair Khattak and other speakers highlighted negative impact of fake news on social fabric the society, national security, government and private institutions especially art, culture and tourism.
Chairman, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Peshawar Faizullah Jan said that besides social and economic sectors, the fake news and disinformation also make negative effects on democracy and can tarnish public and private sectors’ departments’ image.
He urged the media professionals to ensure that their news obtained from digital and social media were properly verified before its publication and put on air otherwise their credible would be at stake.
The journalists who were engaged in brainstorming and interactive exercises to counter negative propaganda, fake news and disinformation were told that journalism was a noble profession and credible news and information was right of people as per our country’s laws and constitution.
He said that fake news and misinformation posed serious threats to the country’s social and economic values in present era of digitalization and great responsibility rest on media outlets, journalists and editors to ensure that the provided information was true in all respect before its publication or airing on TV channels for well-informed knowledgeably society.
Lauding the efforts of PID Peshawar and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for conducting such an important two days workshop for journalists of Khyber Pakthunkhwa on topics of countering of fake news and misinformation, the young and mid career journalists expressed the hope of more such events at Peshawar.
Umair Khattak, General Manager, KP Tourism and Culture Authority said that there was great potential in the tourism sector in KP to help overcome the country’s economic woes, saying that the media ‘s role was crucial in nullifying negative perceptions about our province.
By promoting the country’s soft image, he said that Pakistan could attract huge foreign investment by promoting adventure, sports, culture and heritage tourism.
He highlighted integrated tourism zones projects to be set up at Thandyani Abbottabad, Ghanool Mansehra, Mankyal (Swat) and Madakalasht (Lower Chitral) that after completion would help promote sustainable tourism in Pakistan.
These projects would help reduce load on existing tourists’ destinations besides promoting the transport and hospitality industry in KP.
Umair Khattak also urged journalists to highlight the mega projects of tourism in Khyber Pakthunkhwa especially at camping pods setup in far flung districts to provide affordable accommodation to people.
Later, interactive sessions were held for journalists who were taught about various techniques to identify fake and propaganda news and how to counter it. Later, certificates were presented to participants.

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