
Nation will never forget sacrifices of martyrs like Ahmed Badr : Tarar

Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National Heritage and Culture Attaullah Tarar said on Friday that the Pakistani nation was proud of martyrs like Captain Ahmed Badr who selflessly sacrificed their lives in line of duty.
The minister said this during his visit to the residence of Captain Ahmed Badr Shaheed, where he met with his father Colonel (retd) Badruddin and other relatives.
He expressed heartfelt condolences to the family of martyred Captain Ahmed Badr and offered Fateha for his soul.
Terming Captain Ahmed Badr Shaheed as the pride of Pakistan, the information minister Attaullah Tarar said that the nation will never forget the sacrifice of Captain Ahmed Badr Shaheed.
Tarar said that sacrifices of martyrs never go in vain and Fitnatul
Khawarij will be rooted out from the soil of the motherland. He said that father of the martyred army officer Colonel ( retd) Badruddin had demonstrated remarkable composure and courage after the martyrdom of his son, who fought bravely against terrorists.
“The whole nation is proud of the unwavering spirit demonstrated by the martyr’s father on the martyrdom of his son”, the minister remarked.
“Today we are safe in our homes because of the sacrifices of martyrs like Ahmed Badr” he said.
He said that the government and the Pakistan Armed Forces were determined to uproot Fitnatul Khawarij from the country.
He maintained that Pakistan came into being on the 27th of Ramazan which was proof that this country which was achieved after great sacrifices will exist till eternity.
He said that in human history, two migrations took place in the name of Islam, one migration from Makkah to Medina and one migration to Pakistan in 1947.
Tarar said that the nation was indebted to the martyrs who sacrificed their today for the tomorrow of the nation.
The minister saluted the parents of Shaheed Ahmed Badr for the courage
shown by them after the martyrdom of their son.
Colonel ( retd) Badruddin said he was proud of the sacrifice of his
son in the line of duty.
“The courage with which my son embraced martyrdom made me proud,” he said.
He said before the martyrdom, his son was told by his colleague that
the enemy was right in front and there was a chance to escape from
behind but he refused to retreat. He said his son embraced martyrdom
with dignity and he found solace in knowing that his son fulfilled his
duty till his last breath.
He said he was deeply grateful to the entire country for the
sentiments expressed by the entire nation on the martyrdom of his son.
It is worth a mention that Captain Ahmed Badr was martyred during an
encounter with terrorists in Mir Ali area of North Waziristan in March
this year.

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