
FIA records statements of Rauf Hassan, Barrister Gohar

Controversial tweet matter
The two leaders filed the reply to every question separately with the investigating officer.
FIA has recorded statements of PTI spokesperson Rauf Hassan and barrister Gohar in the matter of uploading controversial tweet shared from twitter account of PTI founder.
According to sources FIA cyber crime wing conducted investigation from PTI information secretary Rauf Hassan for four hours .FIA asked questions from barrister Gohar for 2 hours. The sources said the investigation team gave questionnaire comprising 21 questions to both of the leaders.
It was asked in the questionnaire who runs twitter account of PTI founder in his absence. The material is uploaded with whose permission in absence of PTI founder.
It was asked the controversial tweet was uploaded with whose permission and what are the reasons for not deleting the tweet so far.
The two leaders filed the reply to every question separately with the investigating officer.
According to sources both the leaders recorded their statement separately after filing the reply.
The investigating team will summon both of the leaders again after reviewing their statements.
The two leaders had assured FIA to appear if summoned again.
Talking to media men after investigation Barrister Gohar said he has given replies to questions of FIA for one hour. If FIA summons us again then we will go too. However we have challenged this matter in high court now.
He said he will tell one thing that whichever party has won the seats should be given mandate.
We have repeated said people mandate should not be stolen. There should be no rigging in polls. We are demanding our reserved seats only for this reason.
The matter of deleting or otherwise the tweets of PTI founder is under discussion. We will tell whatever its decision comes.
What tweet was uploaded from PTI founder account, the matter in this regard is pending hearing.

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