
CS-KP seeks better plan to minimise power outages in KP

In a significant move to address the issue of electricity load shedding in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Chief Secretary Nadeem Aslam Chaudhry presided over a crucial meeting focused on electricity load management in the province.
The meeting, held on Thursday was attended by officials from PESCO, the KP Police and relevant departments. Whereas, Divisional Commissioners, Regional Police Officers, Deputy Commissioners and District Police Officers from across the province attended via video link.
Chief Secretary Nadeem Aslam Chaudhry directed provincial authorities to make every effort to provide relief to the public during the summer months through improved load management.
He emphasized the importance of regional and district administrations working diligently and supporting electricity distribution companies to ensure an uninterrupted power supply.
During the meeting, Additional Chief Secretary Home Abid Majeed presented a detailed action plan, mutually agreed upon by the KP government and the federal government. The phased execution of this plan aims to significantly reduce load shedding across the province. This well-thought-out strategy has received high approval and praise at the federal level, promising to eradicate the longstanding issue of load shedding upon successful implementation.
The plan, which emphasizes a comprehensive approach over strict punitive measures, seeks to involve local communities in its execution. It is designed to manage electricity load at the community level, ensuring uninterrupted power for bill-paying consumers throughout the year. Additionally, the plan facilitates the easy installment of dues, enabling people to regain their meters.

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