
CRA-North to strengthen KP’s DRR and DRM response mechanism

Capacity building workshops

Community Resilience Activity-North (CRA-N) in collaboration with government of KP organized an Opening Ceremony of the project “Better Response Mechanism for KP Planning & Development Department (P&DD) in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Management (DRM) at Peshawar.
The purpose of this initiative is to conduct capacity building workshops to Strengthen KP’s DRR and DRM Response Mechanism. The event brings together key stakeholders, including members of Planning & Development Department, Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), District Disaster Management Unit (DDMU) and other relevant departments involved in DRR and DRM programming in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The opening ceremony, attended by 26 officials from P&DD, International Development Section (IDS), PDMA, DDMU, Agriculture, Irrigation, Information and Media representatives.
CRA-North in collaboration with the P&DD and IDS) plan to engage in a SWOT Analysis, and then utilize these findings to design programming to strengthen the capacity of the IDS, P&DD, PDMA, DDMU’s and relevant stakeholders engaged in emergency response.
The SWOT analysis will be based upon an extensive literature review of existing documentation including assessments, relevant frameworks, policies and plans, project completion reports, interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGDs), and any other form of knowledge sharing that may be beneficial. The Analysis once conducted will be vetted by consultations with the P&DD and relevant stakeholders.
Mr. Sheryar Mehmood, Assistant Chief IDS, stated on the occasion that CRA-North’s interventions are highly commendable in strengthening the government’s capacity. He not only acknowledged the praiseworthy efforts of the Community Resilience Activity North (CRA-North) but also emphasized the importance of enhancing the capacity of relevant stakeholders in disaster response and planning mechanisms. At the end of the ceremony the participants acknowledged the efforts taken by CRA-N in KP for the resilience activities.

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