
Court adjourns hearing of judicial complex vandalism case till July 29

Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) Islamabad has adjourned till July 29 hearing of bail before arrest pleas of Chief Minister (CM) KP Ali Amin Gandapur , PTI leaders Umar Ayub, Shibli Faraz, Ali Nawaz Awan and others in Judicial complex vandalism case.
Judge Tahir Abbas Sipra remarked Friday Ali Nawaz Awan is nominated accused who filed bail plea after 8 months.
The counsel told the court he joined investigation and when May 9 incident occurred he had filed bail plea in Abbottabad.
The judge inquired are the certificates placed in file. The courts are for justice and not for contempt.
The bail before arrest pleas came up for hearing before judge Tahir Abbas Sipra Friday.
CM KP, Ali Amin Gandapur, Umar Ayub and Shibli Faraz appeared in the court.
Babar Awan, Raja Zahoor advocate and Sardar Masroof advocate counsels for PTI leaders appeared in the court.
Judge Tahir Abbas Sipra inquired from investigating officer is arrest of accused Mubashar Latif wanted.
The investigating officer told it was not wanted.
Later the court while calling Col (Retd) Asim on rostrum inquired he remained where for so long period. Your bail was dismissed on May 25. You filed when the plea wherein you had said you were arrested. You have returned after how much period.
Col (Retd) replied he had returned after 6 months.
Raja Zahoor Awan counsel for Ali Amin Gandapur replied Ali Amin Gandapur remained arrested for one month but police did not show his arrest in this case. Police had all the information and record was presented in Islamabad High Court. (IHC).
The judge inquired when wrong order was issued then did you resort to any forum against it.
The counsel told the court police presented all cases in the court of Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kiyani.
The court remarked is a proclaimed offender entitled to concessions. Proclaimed offender even cannot get general rights.
The counsel replied when we are surrendering before the court then it means our intent is not fraud based.
The counsel said when his client was arrested then how could he be declared proclaimed offender.
The court called Ali Amin Gandapur to rostrum.
The judge remarked Ali Amin Sahb your arrest warrants have been issued in one case. Sign the roll in that case.
Ali Amin said he had only one stance that he was arrested then and as to why his detention was not shown in other cases.
The judge remarked what police had done it had done wrong. Why did you not file appeal against it.
The court remarked we fix hearing on July 8.
Ali Amin Gandapur requested hearing be fixed after Muharram as Muharram is very sensitive in KP.
The court adjourned hearing of case till July 29.

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