
Mishal appeals world community to ‘Save Kashmir from Indian Clutches’

Mishal Hussein Malik, the wife of senior Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik Friday urged the global community to intervene and ‘Save Kashmir from Indian Clutches as India continuously snatching the basic rights of Kashmiris, including their right to freedom, self-determination, and even their identity.
In her message on PTV news channel related to ‘Youm-e-Istehsal day she emphasized the need for global pressure to force India to reverse its illegal actions of August 5, 2019, which have led to a humanitarian crisis and egregious human rights abuses in the region. She appeal seeks to galvanize international support for the Kashmiri people’s quest for justice, freedom, and self-determination.
Mishal Hussein Malik question to the international community, asking when they would respond to India’s blatant snatching of Kashmiris’ property, social, and economic rights.
She lamented that the world has remained silent as India continues to perpetrate atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), leaving the Kashmiri people vulnerable to exploitation and oppression.
Malik’s query highlights the urgency of the situation, as Kashmiris face dispossession, cultural erasure, and economic strangulation, their fundamental rights trampled by India’s authoritarian grip. She implores the global community to awaken to the Kashmiris’ plight and demand accountability from India for its egregious violations of human rights and international law.
Mishal Hussein Malik expressed her gratitude towards Pakistan for its unwavering support for the Kashmiri people, adding, Pakistan consistent stance on the Kashmir issue, saying that their diplomatic boycott and pressure tactics have helped bring international attention to the plight of Kashmiris.
She appreciated Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to standing up for Kashmiris’ rights, even in the face of Indian aggression and propaganda. She thanked Pakistan for being a steadfast ally to the Kashmiri people, consistently advocating for their rights and dignity in the face of Indian oppression.
She has also spoken out against the Indian government’s attempts to change the demographic composition of Kashmir, which she warned would have catastrophic consequences for the region’s indigenous population. Mishal Malik has also highlighted the plight of Kashmiri political prisoners and warned against India’s attempts to change Kashmir’s demographics.

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