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Army committed to dismantle terrorist groups, ensure protection of people: DG ISPR

Director General Inter-Services Public Relations, Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry has disclosed that plot to kill Chinese engineers in Besham was hatched in neighbouring Afghanistan.
Addressing a news conference in Rawalpindi Tuesday , he said the suicide bomber was the Afghan national and the vehicle used in the attack was also prepared in Afghanistan. He said four other key culprits have been arrested by the law enforcement agencies.
The DG ISPR pointed out that there are twenty-nine thousand Chinese nationals in Pakistan. Of them, twenty-five hundred Chinese are engaged with CPEC-related projects and 5500 others are working on other development projects.
Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said it is our priority to ensure security of all Chinese nationals and all possible steps are being taken in this regard.
The DG ISPR said the attack on Chinese engineers was aimed at sabotaging Pakistan-China friendship and hurt the CPEC project.
He expressed firm commitment to completely dismantle terrorist groups and ensure protection of the people.
Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said security forces conducted thirteen thousand one hundred and thirty-five intelligence based operations against terrorists and their facilitators.
He said about one hundred operations are carried out on daily basis.
The DG ISPR categorically said nobody will be allowed to disturb law and order situation in the country. He said the Army Chief has stated that there is no place for terrorists inside Pakistan.
He said it is because of sacrifices of the security forces personnel and the people that the country is fast heading towards peace.
He said those involved in terrorist activities have no links with the state of Pakistan and Islam.
Referring to the situation on the eastern border, the DG ISPR said Pakistan’s civil and military leadership is fully cognizant of the planning being made in India to divert attention from its internal anarchy.
Alluding to the Indian ceasefire violations, the DG ISPR said Pakistan Army has responded in a befitting manner and it will continue to do so in future. He said Pakistan is fully prepared for the defence of its integrity and sovereignty.
The DG ISPR said Pakistan stands by their Kashmiri brothers and sisters and will continue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support to them for their right to self-determination.
He said India is also involved in extra territorial killings of Sikhs. He said there are also evidences of the involvement of India in assassination of people inside Pakistan.
When asked about May 9 incident, the DG ISPR said it is not the case of Pakistan Army, but of the whole Pakistani nation.
Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry emphasized that those involved in the attacks on military installations and disgrace of martyrs’ memorials should be brought to justice at the earliest in accordance with the law of the land and the constitution.
He said doing so is also important to ensure that the people have faith in the justice system.
The DG ISPR said there are irrefutable evidences of the involvement of a particular party in the May 9 events. He said the narrative based on falsehood cannot sustain.
The DG ISPR said they have no objection on the formation of a Judicial Commission for investigation into May 9 incidents. He, however, said this Commission then should also probe into the objectives of 2014 sit-in and the attacks on the PTV and parliament.
He stressed it should also be seen as to how the resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were utilized for another onslaught on the federal capital.
The DG ISPR also mentioned the attempts made by a particular party to sabotage Pakistan’s deal with the IMF.
Responding to a question, the ISPR Chief said the constitution of Pakistan clearly states that Pakistan’s integrity, security and defence cannot be undermined in the name of freedom of expression. He said it also bars from harming Pakistan’s foreign relations with friendly countries.
Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said freedom of expression does not allow ruining moral values of the society, disturbing public order and tarnishing integrity and dignity of the higher judiciary. He hoped that the parliament will go for necessary legislation to check lies, propaganda and fake news.
Replying to another question, Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry made it clear that the armed forces had nothing to do with the recent elections, except to provide a secure environment for the polling. He said armed forces do not work in the form of allegations and counter allegations. He added that instead of leveling allegations one should present evidence, if any, before the available legal and the constitutional forums of the country. He said military has a robust accountability mechanism and acts promptly on the basis of evidence and facts.
Answering a question, the ISPR Chief said welfare organizations of the armed forces are meant for the wellbeing of martyrs and injured. He said these organizations also offer multiple services to the common people in various fields, including health, education and road infrastructure. He said these institutions do not take single penny from the national exchequer and pay a tax of around 360 billion rupees annually.
Regarding armed forces’ role in SIFC, Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said they are only facilitating efforts for the uplift of country’s economy.
To a question, he said Pakistan has neither given nor will it handover military bases to any country.
Replying to a question regarding misuse of Afghan Transit Trade, the Major General said Pakistan does not use trade as leverage for political mileage. He, however, said illegal spectrum, including drug trafficking, smuggling, terrorists’ cross border movement, cannot be allowed in the name of trade.
Answering a question, the ISPR Chief said the matter of missing persons is a complex issue and the government takes it very seriously. He said around eighty percent of cases reported before the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances have been resolved and the rest is being pursued vigorously.
Regarding Pakistan’s relations with Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said both countries have a long history of cordial and brotherly relations. He said Saudi Arabia is taking keen interest in helping Pakistan’s economy and it is unfortunate that some political elements do not hesitate in harming Islamabad’s relations with friendly countries.

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