
5-Day PSB Coaching & Training Course begins, 80 male, female coaches turned up

PESHAWAR: A 5-day Pakistan Sports Board Coaching and Training Course got under way here at PSB Coaching Center Peshawar with more than 80 male and female coaches from all across the province turned up.
International Course Conductor Rana Nasrullah along with an international football coach Asad Ullah, imparting five days long coaching and training course in order to upgrade and up to date all the coaches associated with different Games in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa besides some new faces who wants to be a future coach attending the Course.
Rana Nasrullah, who has the honor of conducting such courses across Pakistan and at international level, welcomed all the participants including the guests comprising Director Operation Saleem Raza, Director PSB Coaching Center Hafiz Amir.
He said it is important for the upcoming coaches to learn more and more about coaching skills and should know various techniques being differently taken each and every Game.
Rana Nasrullah started with the function of muscle, definitions, its function, and types said that Muscle is contractile tissue grouped into coordinated systems for greater efficiency. He said, in humans the muscle systems are classified by gross appearance and location of cells. The three types of muscles are striated (or skeletal), cardiac, and smooth (or non-striated), he added.
Besides theoretical information about Muscles, he also performed practically about the Muscle function in biceps and triceps. He said for each of the coaches it should be well aware of the function of Muscle, its exercises.
About the definition, he said, a body tissue consisting of long cells that can contract and produce motion or an organ that is a mass of muscle tissue attached at either end to a fixed point and that by contracting moves or stops the movement of a body part.
He said, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle have very different functions, but they share the same basic composition. A muscle is made up of thousands of elastic fibres bundled tightly together. Each bundle is wrapped in a thin transparent membrane called a perimysium, Rana Nasrullah added.
He said if a coach does not know the actual function of the Muscle, he or she can work for improvement for a particular event. He disclosed that there are three major muscle types found in the human body such as skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. Each muscle type has unique cellular components, physiology, specific functions, and pathology, he added.
Rana Nasrullah said that Muscles are a specialized body part that produces movement or locomotion in animals. The muscle is composed (largely) of muscle tissues. A muscle tissue is made up of muscle cells, which in turn, consist of several myofibrils.
Resistance Exercise
He said, Muscles used for power have a higher ratio of Fiber Glycolytic, fast oxidative and trained athletes possess even higher levels of FG fibers in their muscles. Resistance exercise affects muscles by increasing the formation of myofibrils, thereby increasing the thickness of muscle fibers.
The three types of muscle fiber are slow oxidative (SO), fast oxidative (FO) and fast glycolytic (FG). SO fibers use aerobic metabolism to produce low power contractions over long periods and are slow to fatigue. FO fibers use aerobic metabolism to produce ATP but produce higher tension contractions than SO fibers.
Much research supports the notion that greater muscular strength can enhance the ability to perform general sport skills such as jumping, sprinting, and change of direction tasks. Further research indicates that stronger athletes produce superior performances during sport specific tasks, Rana Nasrullah concluded

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