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Agencies will run the country or will it run as per law: IHC

“Does the [ISI] sector commander live on the moon? questions Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani

Islamabad High Court (IHC) while giving indication to summon the entire cabinet including Prime Minister (PM) in poet Farhad recovery case has summoned secretary defence and interior secretary in person today (Tuesday)
The court has directed SSP operation to record statement of sector commander of intelligence agency and present it in the court.
During the hearing of Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked have you done some act of kindness by registering FIR.
The court remarked when I give decision then matter will go to some other side than disappearance. This matter is not so easy that man be lifted after breaking the door. This matter should come to end now. An example has been set in this case. On one side messages are being sent and then they are saying man is not with us. Both the secretaries will appear and then I will summon Prime Minister . Later the members of federal cabinet will come to the court too. Either agencies will run this country or this country will run as per law.
He gave these remarks during the hearing of recovery of poet Farhad case Monday.
Emman Mazari counsel for wife of Ahmad Farhad and Hadi Ali Chatha appeared in the court.
Additional Attorney General (AAG) Munawwar Iqbal Dogal requested the court to give time till tomorrow.
The representative of defence ministry told the court ISI has said he is not with them.
The court remarked you should file reply in writing. I summon defence minister
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked defence secretary and his officers are answerable to court.
IHC directed defence secretary to file reply.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani while moving to representative of defence ministry inquired have you ever been kidnapped. Fear from the time when all are kidnapped. Have any one of yours been kidnapped ever before.
The representative replied no never.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked you don’t realize it for this reason. Ask from those whose person is kidnapped.
Counsel Imman Mazari told the court that a call came from whatsapp number of Ahmad Farhad in May. We were asked to withdraw the petition. Ahmad Farhad will come back. Three drafts were shared between them and us. They said we should say to court that Ahmad Farhad had gone on his own. Ahmad Farhad has not come back, therefore, we are not withdrawing the petition.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani inquired is Ahmad Farhad terrorist.
SSP Operations Jamil Zafar replied no he is not terrorist. Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani again asked has he come from India or is he involved in kidnapping for ransom.
SSP operation Jamil Zafar told the court no Sir, it is not so. Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked what institutions are doing its punishment we all have to suffer. I want man from ISI. Tell your DG ISI man is wanted at every cost.
Assistant Attorney General (AAG) replied allegation cannot be leveled on the entire institution.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar remarked you people have to change your opinion about your institution. Don’t bring it to such level that it becomes difficult for institutions to stay. What they have to suffer the people who are kidnapped. Only they know it.
Defence ministry official requested to give time for two days.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked will you ask this that they are either in Safe House of Bajore or of Kashmir. I will pass order.
The court remarked investigation officer of police should record statement of sector commander and DG ISI.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani remarked I will wait till 3 p.m. Then I will issue order which will affect you too much.
IHC summoned secretary defence and secretary interior today at 3 p.m in person.
The court directed AAG not to contact wife of kidnapped person in the meantime.
The court adjourned the hearing till today (Tuesday).

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